Eritrea: ድምጺ ደሊና ፡ ስብራ ዜና 27 ታሕሳስ፣ 2014 ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ኣብ መዓስከር ሸገራብ ይጭወዩን ይግፍዑን:
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ድምጺ ደሊና ስብራ ዜና
ኣዳላውን ኣቕራብን: ዘካርያስ ክብርኣብ
ምንጪ: ካብ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት መዓስከር ሸገራብ ሱዳን
27 ታሕሳስ፣ 2014
ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ኣብ መዓስከር ሸገራብ ይጭወዩን ይግፍዑን:
ቅድሚ ሰለስተ ሳምንቲ ዝተበገሱ ዓሰርተው ኣርባዕተ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታትን ካልኦት ቅድሚ ሓደ ሰሙን ዝሰዓብዎም ዕስራ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታትን በቲ ብተለምዶ ባሕሪ ተባሂሉ ዝጽዋዕ ካብ መዓስከር ስደተኛታት ሸገራብ ሱዳን ናይ ኣስታት ሽዱሽተ ኪሎ ሜትር ርሒቑ ዝርከብ ሩባ ናብ ማእከል ሱዳን ንምእታው ብጃልባ ድሕሪ ምስጋሮም ብ ነጋዶ ደቂ ሰባት ራሻይዳ ተታሒዞም። እቶም ነጋዶ ደቂ ሰብ ከም ኣመሎም ስደተኛታት ንምጭዋይ ብዕለት 24 ናይዚ ሒዝናዮ ዘለና ወርሒ ኣብቲ ከባቢ ዓሪዶም ይጸናጸንሉ ኣብ ዝነበርሉ እዋን ሓንቲ ዕስራ ዝኾኑ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ዝጸዓነት ንእሽቶይ ጃልባ ብምስባራ ዳርጋ ኩሎም ኣብታ ጃልባ ዝነበሩ ከም ዝሞቱ ተፈሊጡ‘ሎ።
እቶም ኣብቲ መዓስከር ዝነብሩ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ናይ ገለ ደቂ ሃገሮም ሬሳታት ክቐብሩ እኳ እንተፈተኑ፣ ኮይኑ ግን በቶም ራሻይዳ ብዝወረዶም መጥቃዕቲ ገለ ዕስራን ሽዱሽተን ዝኾኑ ኤርትራውያን ብዘስካሕክሕ ብኸቢድ ቆሲሎም ኣብ ሕክምና እኳ እንተበጽሑ ግቡእ ሕክምና ግን ክረኽቡ ኣይከኣሉን። ገለ መስበርቲ ኣእጋርን ኣእዳውን ዘለዎም ከይተረፈ ብሰንኪ መሐከሚ ወረቐት የብሎምን ዝብል ምኽኒት ንዝለዓለ ሕክምና ን ከሰላ ከይመሓላለፉ ተኸልኪሎም ኣለዉ። እዚ ከይኣክል ከኣ ካብ ከሰላን ወደል ሒለውን ዝበሃል ዝመጹ ወተሃደራት ሱዳን ንቶም ስደተኛታት ተንቀሳቓሲ ተለፎናቶምን ገንዘቦምን ብሓይሊ እንዳመንጠሉ የጋፍዕዎም ኣለዉ።

Join VoD
VoD is looking for highly motivated candidates to collect, draft, edit and present relevant news items from various sources exclusively but not limited to Eritrea and the rest of the Horn of Africa. Excellent writing skills in both English and Tigrinya, proficiency in using technology, and ability to scan social media are essential. The candidate should be an active listener, able to communicate with persons of interest, and share timely information with the public.
The Main objective of Voice Of Delina is to collect and disseminate economic, social and political developments pertaining to Eritrea and Eritreans at home and in the Erespora.
We are also determined to develop the media capacity by grooming the new generation of Eritreans to articulate the aspirations of our country.
We are particularly looking for candidates who are keenly interested to play an active role in helping foster peace and democracy in Eritrea.
• Media Director/Program Coordinator
o manage the team
o prepare editorials
o make editorial decisions on programs to be broadcast
o edit other program contents
• Researchers
o research topics required for programming
o assist in drafting stories
• Writers and Editors
o draft a regular feature story
o assist in news preparation
• Anchor-Reader
o read program items
o assist in news preparation
• Sound Engineer
o arrange programs, add music and repackage programs for dispatch to the studio
• Translator from English into Arabic and Tigrinya (and, on a limited basis, Amharic)
o translate copy of stories into appropriate language for broadcast
o when necessary, read stories in correct language or dialect
To participate please send email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please provide your personal CV, Skype ID, telephone number and best time to call you.