The America Team Provides Scholarships for Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia

Countless Eritreans, men, women and children, young and old, have fled the cruel and repressive regime that has taken over control of Eritrea. Many of the refugees have no choice but to live in refugee camps in Ethiopia and The Sudan.
While the Ethiopia government through its ministry for refugees (ARRA), and the United Nations through its refugee arm (UNHCR) have provided the refugees in camps in Ethiopia with basic living facilities and essentials for living, the refugees must rely on donations from family and friends for anything beyond the essentials.
The America Team and are presently providing 3-year advanced education for 30 refugees from Shimelba, Mai–Ayne and Afar Region. The students started their studies in October, and are at Africa Medical College in Addis Ababa. The College is donating 5 additional scholarships. Students are working toward certification in pharmacy, radiology or nursing, depending on their own preference. These studies will enable them to prepare themselves to play their professional role in Eritrea once reform is enacted there and the way be clear, or will give them the opportunity to work in other countries where they may eventually resettle until such change takes place.
The America Team expresses its deep gratitude to others in helping to arrange these scholarships, including the UNHCR in Shiré and Addis Ababa, ARRA, and the Africa Medical College, whose help and guidance have been essential.
The America Team is a group of concerned Americans and Eritreans in the USA, striving to help in the plight of Eritreans through humanitarian means and by increasing awareness of the Eritrean situation, and by encouraging unification of objectives and harmony among Eritreans seeking political reform in Eritrea. The America Team provides information and opinions via its web site at
Providing so many scholarships is expensive. More than just a few are needed. The program covers the expense of tuition, books, room, meals, healthcare and living expenses. Others interested people or organizations are asked and encouraged to help support this endeavor. There are three ways to donate financially
1. Through PayPal – Click Here and Use the Make a Donation Button
2. By Sending a US Check or an International Money Order to:
The America Team for Freedom for Eritrea
P.O. Box 1555
Media, PA USA 19063
3. By Sending a US Check or an International Money Order to:
The Wallingford Presbyterian Church
110 E. Brookhaven Road
Wallingford, PA USA 19086
Mark payment: “For Eritrean Scholarships.”
US Donors will receive a letter of acknowledgement for tax purposes