COI Discussion with Elsa Chyrum in Oakland, November 8th

Press Release
November 13th, 2014 The COI-Eritrea Team
Oakland, CA-- On November 8th, 2014, Mrs. Elsa Chryum, Founder and Director of Human Rights Concern Eritrea (HRC-E) discussed the recent decision of the United Nations Human Rights Council to establish a Commission of Inquiry (COI) to investigate the widespread and systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Eritrea. Of those in attendance were Eritreans in the Bay Area, including asylum seekers and individuals willing to assist the COI by sharing the human rights violations endured by them or a family member. Members of various Eritrean civic and political organizations also attended to participate in the discussion and Q&A that followed.
Mrs. Elsa Chryum addressed the community to explain the objectives of the COI, formally established on June 27, 2014. This is the first official inquiry into the human rights violations being committed in Eritrea, including violations against children and women, indefinite military conscription, false imprisonment, restrictions on peaceful assembly and lack of freedom of expression, among many others. Her presentation included a step by step tour, guided by slideshow presentation, of the functionality and purpose of the website.
Prior to arriving in Oakland, Mrs. Chyrum conducted information sessions in London, Zurich, Boston, Washington, DC, New York City, Denver, and Santa Clara. She advised that several victims and witnesses have come forward to share traumatic and disturbing stories of torture and human rights abuses perpetuated by the Isaias Afwerki regime. Mrs. Chyrum said the community’s support of the establishment of the COI has been encouraging and she acknowledged the incredible courage of the victims and witnesses.
In response to a question about the capacity and probability the COI possesses to remove the current regime, Mrs. Chyrum reminded the attendees that this initiative is just one mechanism to work towards justice and accountability. The testimonies shared by victims and witnesses will assist to serve as a path to collective reconciliation and healing and if the COI finds enough evidence, it may refer it’s findings to the International Criminal Court for further investigation.
Another attendee asked how the COI will handle discovering information that may conflict with what the families have been told in regards to death and the cause of death of loved ones. Mrs. Chyrum advised that the truth will always be disclosed to the families. For those that require their personal information remain confidential, she assured the COI will protect the identities of victims, families and witnesses.
One of the additional questions posed to Mrs. Chyrum had to do with whether injuries or fatalities brought as consequences of persecution can be presented as legitimate testimonies to the COI. As an example, one attendee cited the horrendous realities many Eritreans face in places like Sinai or the drowning of many Eritreans in capsized boats as legitimate cases to bring to the COI. Mrs. Chyrum clarified that any crimes committed outside of Eritrea aren’t within the mandate contained within the COI directives. However, strong testimonies can be procured out of cases that result leading to fatalities and other injuries. She emphasized that the focus, however, is on the myriad of human rights violations suffered at the hands of the PFDJ regime.
To assist the COI in obtaining credible testimonies, she encouraged the participation of the entire Eritrean community and specifically those that have been victimized. It is their responsibility to come forward with their stories and be advocates for justice.
Those in attendance offered their assistance and expressed appreciation to Mrs. Chyrum and several victims and witnesses left their contact information to be interviewed. Some also presented excellent ideas on how to further expand the outreach efforts of Mrs. Chyrum and her volunteers.
The COI will collect testimonies and will review and substantiate all information provided by the victims, victim’s families, witnesses, human rights advocates and experts. The three member Commission will conduct interviews and present a report of its findings to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-ninth session. To ensure this remains a collaborative effort, Mrs. Chyrum will continue reaching out to victims and all active Eritrean civic and political organizations to encourage engagement, answer questions pertaining to the Commission of Inquiry and address any concerns.
Contact: Members of the press who wish to interview the speaker and/or organizer, should contact the below organizers:
Bay Area: London:
The COI-Eritrea Team Elsa Chyrum
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415-857-0460 +44 7958 005637