Eritrean Refugees Will Protest Africa’s Hitler Youth are Meeting Hilton Birmingham Metropole!
Sat 30th of March 2013
The Young People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (Y-PFDJ), which is a tightly controlled youth arm of Eritrea’s only ruling party PFDJ headed by dictator Isaias Afewerki, is meeting here today.
This high-profile event, is initiated at the direct order of Eritrea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is attended by key members of the regime, including ministers, ambassadors, and government advisers. The event is fully funded by the Government of Eritrea and in attendance are government officials and their diaspora operatives who are highlighted for supporting an Alqida affiliated Somali terrorist Group, in a current UN report.
The sole purpose of the meeting taking place inside this hotel is to radicalise diaspora born and raised young people to use them in mobilising support for the regime in Eritrea. The set up and approach used is not that dissimilar to that utilised by the Nazis in yester years.
Twenty years into the country’s independence, Eritrea is still governed by one party system, has no independent media, has outlawed all churches bar those sanctioned by the government and subjects all young people to interminable ‘National Service’ (alternating between hard labour and military duties). The country has been led into complete isolation from the international community, and has become one of the most authoritarian and impoverished states on this globe (Africa’s North Korea).
This has driven large numbers of its citizens: government ministers, politicians, journalists, religious leaders, and youth into exile. Many that chose to remain in the country are made to ‘disappear’ into the country’s vast network of prisons.
We are part of Eritrea’s large diaspora community, made of many former National Service recruits, who have made it here to the UK seeking asylum after fleeing the government’s shoot to kill policy against escapees. We also survived human traffickers who operate in the region with impunity and we are ANGRY that the Government that drove us and our peers out of our coutry is allowed to extend its terrorist networks to the UK where we thought we had found a refuge.
Eritreans for Justice — at Hilton, Birmingham Metropole.