He is the handsomest man at the Oktoberfest

He is the handsomest man in the tent: Sahle Fessehaye was chosen as Mr. Oktoberfest and during the entire duration of the Swiss-German Oktoberfest beer festival in the marquee presence. "I am black and a multicultural ambassador," he said in an interview.
The reigning Mr. Oktoberfest, Sahle Fessehaye, tells the SÜDKURIER journalist Aurelia Scherrer of his experiences in the marquee Constance.
Sahle Fessehaye was chosen as Mr. Oktoberfest and during the entire duration of the Swiss-German Oktoberfest beer festival in the marquee presence. At a coffee in the Seestube he talked about his first Oktoberfest experience.
Mr. Fessehaye how did you come up with the idea to apply as Mr. Oktoberfest?
Friends of mine have made me aware that you can apply as Mr. Oktoberfest. I always liked the fact that in Oktoberfest the young and old together and have fun together; I immediately sent photographs and a statement why I like the Oktoberfest in Konstanz..
Were you appointed or elected?
I was elected. I do not know exactly how the jury worked, because everything went through the internet. Personally, I have met no one. The photographs were served, because my girlfriend and I were luckily chosen, although there were many competitors.
What is your role as Mr. Oktoberfest?
I must especially show a presence. There are a lot of VIP boxes, for example, hired by firms. We welcome the guests and see if they are satisfied. In addition, we learn about prominent figures, such as Jürgen Drews and Prime Minister Guenther Oettinger, whom we had to hand over gifts. I never thought that I would meet the Prime Minister personally. This is quite an experience. In the first week of the Oktoberfest alone, I met many important people. This is an opportunity I would otherwise never had.
Professionally, the traditional costume represents the stylish and elegant menswear. How do you feel in that costume?
It is a conversion, since the day I wear suits. But I feel very comfortable in the dress and think it's just beautiful, because here at the Oktoberfest, very many people, including young people dress this way. I think it's great that they dare to live their culture here in the south. And I must say: Lederhosen are just comfortable and I will keep them for the rest my life as a reminder – as a souvenir.
How did people react to Mr. and Miss Oktoberfest?
The reactions are different, but mostly very friendly. A lot of photographs with people embracing us – warm people. The people are happy that you can win as a black man. Somehow I feel that even a little bit as a multicultural ambassador for the Swiss-German Oktoberfest will also convey the multicultural thinking.
Have you had at the party a memorable experience?
Oh yes, last Friday. An older couple from Heidelberg, they were sitting alone in a VIP box. We get together and had quite a lot of fun. Later, we had them escorted to the train because they had to return to liggeringen. And the great thing: they have invited us to come to Heidelberg. We will visit them in any case.
Are you present every day at the Oktoberfest?
Every night we have to be there. But it is no problem in any case, because it is a lot of fun.
What is your overall impression of the Oktoberfest in Konstanz?
Every night is a brilliant atmosphere. The guests forget the daily routine and stress. Man, you can join them everywhere and you are welcome. This is a very good feeling, the Oktoberfest feeling.
Would you do it again?
Yes, definitely. I met so many new things and many people. It is an experience of a lifetime.
Fragen: Aurelia Scherrer Questions: Aurelia Scherrer